MPS - Oral Health to Dental Medicine Pathway

A unique One-Year Master's Program designed to enhance your admission into the Dental Medicine Programs.

Applications to dental school are at an all time high, thus thousands of applicants must compete for a very limited number of interview spots. The MPS-OH-to-DM Pathway will not only strengthen your application with a prestigious master’s degree but will also guarantee you an interview spot with CNU College of Dental Medicine.

Why Choose the MPS-to- MD Pathway?

A unique One-Year program designed to accelerate and enhance your admission into medical programs.

A guaranteed interview with the CNU College of Medicine upon achieving MPS GPA of 3.5 and MCAT score of 508. Past student career outcome data showed that: More than 60% of MPS graduates accepted in different medical programs.”

More than 60% of MPS graduates accepted into medical programs.

Why choose MPS?

The Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences (MPS) program will provide you with:

  • Advance your knowledge and skills in drug discovery, regulatory affairs, pharmaceutical analysis and more.

  • Make yourself more competitive in the job market with rewarding careers in research development and regulatory affairs.

  • A greater chance of admission into professional health care programs (MD, PharmD, DO, DDS)


    1. 1) ONE-YEAR Capstone Paper (Non-Thesis) Track.

    2. 2) TWO-YEAR Thesis Track.


Get into a ONE YEAR master program with an intensive curriculum and graduate with improved academic profile, significantly higher admission into healthcare professional schools, and a marketable Master’s Degree in the field of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences.


The two-year thesis track is designed to enhance the students’ research skills through hands-on laboratory training in the field of pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences.

Why Choose Us

  • Hear from our students,why they choose this program and what they love about it.
